Who We Are
Hello, and thank you for visiting The Moses Basket! We are sisters that have had a broad desire to help displaced children for years, but until recently didn’t know where to focus our passion and effort. After collaborating with the Social Services Departments in our area, the needs of our community were identified and The Moses Basket was launched. The creation of this resource has given us an area to direct our efforts and is allowing us to turn our passion into fruition. We have two agendas. The first priority is to assist receiving families. The second objective is to offer a sense of normalcy to the children that find themselves in a new environment. It’s personal for us. Our dad was in an orphanage from birth until his adoption at 13 months. His childhood path formed an integral part of the legacy he left for my sister and me. We simply would not be here were it not for his parents taking a leap of faith and opening their home. Our prayer is regardless of whether it is a short or long-term arrangement; we are able to play a small part in helping weave your family together.
With Love,
Kristen and Lacey